Sunday, December 14, 2008

Spice at the Kunic's

We got Spice from Ivy's house where he was hanging out with his friends.

As soon as we got home from Ivy's Addi started to complain of an ear ache. We took her to the doctor and he said she had an ear infection. Spice stayed by her side trying to comfort her.

Spice enjoyed drawing and playing all kinds of games with the kids.


Seiser's said...

I hope Addi is doing better that was so sad. I went home with the flu that night thats why my stomach hurt so bad. I am still just a little sick.

Capri said...

Poor Addi! I'm glad Spice was there in her time of need.

Amy said...

Anyone who didn't get Sugar or Spice should just post pics anyways!