Thursday, December 25, 2008

Watching movies

Lexi finally kicked the bucket and settled down with a blanket AND clothes! One of the girls at work was knitting a scarf and hat for her daughter and showed me how. Spice enjoyed watching my scarf grow. It's almost done now.

Spice at the Weatherspoons

We have had near blizzard conditions this week. Driving to work is a nightmare! But Lexi loves the snow! She wants to step in every snow drift. She puts socks on her hands whenever we go out. I offered her mittens, but she wouldn't let me put them on her.

Spice arrived at our house on Dec. 18th. We had Christmas all set up, so he settled right in. Lexi did morning aerobics with him. Do you like her resistance band? She has very strong teeth!

Lexi's Idea of Christmas fashion

Yes, this is a grocery bag. Lexi wanted to show Spice how to recycle.

Decorating cookies

Playing at Christensen's

Visiting Grandma's house

On Sunday night we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Ginger had to work, so her kids were spending the night there. Spice enjoyed drawing with Hyrum, watching Dora' Christmas with Jayden and the girls, reading with Grandma, and all the kids musical performances! Lexi and Lily shared their suckers with Spice. We found out two days later that Lily's cough and hoarseness were croup!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Spice at the Kunic's

We got Spice from Ivy's house where he was hanging out with his friends.

As soon as we got home from Ivy's Addi started to complain of an ear ache. We took her to the doctor and he said she had an ear infection. Spice stayed by her side trying to comfort her.

Spice enjoyed drawing and playing all kinds of games with the kids.