Sunday, December 7, 2008

Spice at the Harrisons

Brisa is always too busy to hold Spice. Luckily we got this one.

Cienna is so excited for Spice to come play again next year. Cienna wanted Spice to come alive. She wanted to ask Santa if he could make Spice come alive.

We went to Grandma Harrison for our family Christmas party. Darian took spice down the slide and held him up out of the water. My picture didn't take fast enough so I asked Darian to do it again this time Darian didn't hold him up out of the water. That is how Spice took the plunge.

Steve shows the cousins what an awsome swimmer Spice has become. Everyone wanted a turn to swim with Spice.

We went to the church for a christmas breakfast. Santa showed up and Spice and the kids got to sit on his lap.

I strongly advise against male foreigners in our home. Next year send us Sugar to prevent Abbey from premature dating.


Josh;HollyDecker said...

I wonder if Spice had ever been swimming before being from the north pole and all. I'm sure that was pretty exciting for him. Looks like he got have a lot of fun. Harrison's we love you.

Ivy, thanks for adding the music. You guys were quick too. Love you!

Amy said...

Abby you are to tall for Spice. Believe it or not there is someone out there who is smaller than you or is that what attracted you to him?
Looks like spice had real adventures at your house!